Feb 26, 2011

Inconvenient Truth of Animal Living with Human

Do you know the fact that many animals in the zoo are suffering? The animals, especially, which are performing in the zoo, which is so called Show Animal, were suffering from the pain that we didn't expect. Last Saturday, the sad situation, which was showed by the TV Program "TV Animal Farm", makes us frightened. Because hidden behind the amazing performance is the inconvenient truth.

▲ The picture was taken in the TV Program.
(A monkey tried not to be dragged with her baby.)

They practiced a lot for the best show. The reason was that they have to perform like human, more over, better than human. But the problem is not the end of the hard training. They got hurt in training and couldn't eat enough food. Even if they have their baby, they were dragged to the practice areas without caring them. These situations made me depressed.

However, it is not just the case of the show animals. Do you know culture "Cut tail"? It is banned because it is considered as abusing animals but, yesterday, it was practiced by beauty and medical purpose.

The object that Romans bred dogs was not gathering a flock of sheep but fighting with wolves which were appeared to eat sheep. While fighting with wolves, many dogs were killed because they were bleeding too much. As a result, Romans cut tail and ear that are projecting parts of dogs. First time, they cut them entirely but later they realized if they left a little bit of ear and tail, they could be neat and beautiful. Since then, although they don't have to fight with wolves, they have still cut dogs' ear and tail for the purpose of having neat and beautiful appearance. Now it became the standard.
- Korea Greyhound Club Federation, http://www.kgcf.co.kr/kwanri/basic.html

Laboratory animals are also serious problem. Human beings made experiments with them for convenient life. For science and medical care, they were conducted in various fields of pills, food and robots. About 3 million animals have been killed in a year. The sad situation is that animals are still tested though researchers couldn't get any satisfied results because animals have huge differences in organic structure.

▲ Minipigs are used in the experiments for making new drug.

I just think that we just did for the purpose our life. Of course, I think I am asking a great deal from you, by suggesting that we should consider animal’s rights. But, at least, animals also are the same as living things that they can feel pain and happy. We should prohibit the harsh performance against poor animals.

Written by Yoon Jeongwon

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